2018-06-16 - Be the Legend - Find the Path

^z 23rd April 2023 at 7:58am

~32.4 mi @ ~13.8 min/mi

"The Hero must follow the Path first found by the Legend. Be the Legend. Find the path." — powerful advice, from Dr Merle.

Today's solo trek is the "Gandalf 50k", a reversed-and-slightly-modified version of the "Fonda 50k" route 3 years ago. (cf. 2015-05-17 - Fonda 50k Plus) Cool, dry conditions help, as do beautiful new wall paintings along the Metropolitan Branch Trail that mandate multiple pauses for photography.

New kicks, a pair of Altra "Torin" shoes, make 32 miles feel like far less. Union Station (water) and Fletchers Boathouse (Gatorade) and Dr Stephanie's front steps (impromptu Aid Station C1) fight dehydration. Rabbit count = 1, on the NIH campus.

Ducks float in the Reflecting Pool. On the Capitol grounds "International Yoga Day" is celebrated as hundreds of people assume Triangle Pose as one. Beautiful!

(trackfile) - ^z - 2018-07-03